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Visi SMAN 1 Bangsri
“Terwujudnya sekolah yang Bermutu, sehat, cerdas, terampil, berakhlaq mulia berpijak pada Iman dan taqwa serta berwawasan Lingkungan hidup”
The Kingster University Alumni Association is excited to announce the arrival of KU Alumni Connect. This is a new community building platform for Kinster’s alumni. It is the only place online where you can find, and connect with, all 90,000 Kingster’s alumni. All alumni are automatically enrolled!
Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized globally. Throughout our great history, Kingster has offered access to a wide range of academic opportunities. As a world leader in higher education, the University has pioneered change in the sector.
The Kingster University Alumni Association is excited to announce the arrival of KU Alumni Connect. This is a new community building platform for Kinster’s alumni. It is the only place online where you can find, and connect with, all 90,000 Kingster’s alumni. All alumni are automatically enrolled!
Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized globally. Throughout our great history, Kingster has offered access to a wide range of academic opportunities. As a world leader in higher education, the University has pioneered change in the sector.
The Kingster University Alumni Association is excited to announce the arrival of KU Alumni Connect. This is a new community building platform for Kinster’s alumni. It is the only place online where you can find, and connect with, all 90,000 Kingster’s alumni. All alumni are automatically enrolled!
Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized globally. Throughout our great history, Kingster has offered access to a wide range of academic opportunities. As a world leader in higher education, the University has pioneered change in the sector.
The Kingster University Alumni Association is excited to announce the arrival of KU Alumni Connect. This is a new community building platform for Kinster’s alumni. It is the only place online where you can find, and connect with, all 90,000 Kingster’s alumni. All alumni are automatically enrolled!
Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized globally. Throughout our great history, Kingster has offered access to a wide range of academic opportunities. As a world leader in higher education, the University has pioneered change in the sector.
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